Source code for dyndns.ipaddresses

"""Deal with ipv4 and ipv6 IP addresses."""

import ipaddress
from dyndns.exceptions import IpAddressesError

[docs]def validate(address, ip_version=None): try: address = ipaddress.ip_address(address) if ip_version and ip_version != address.version: raise IpAddressesError('IP version "{}" does not match.' .format(ip_version)) return str(address), address.version except ValueError: raise IpAddressesError('Invalid ip address "{}"'.format(address))
[docs]def format_attr(ip_version): return 'ipv{}'.format(ip_version)
[docs]class IpAddresses(object): def __init__(self, ip_1=None, ip_2=None, ipv4=None, ipv6=None, request=None): if request: self.request = request self.ipv4 = None """The ipv4 address to update DNS record with.""" if ipv4: self.ipv4, ipv4_version = validate(ipv4, 4) self.ipv6 = None """The ipv6 address to update DNS record with.""" if ipv6: self.ipv6, ipv6_version = validate(ipv6, 6) if ip_1: self._set_ip(ip_1) if ip_2: self._set_ip(ip_2) if not self.ipv4 and not self.ipv6: self._get_client_ip() if not self.ipv4 and not self.ipv6: raise IpAddressesError('No ip address set.') def _get_ip(self, ip_version): return getattr(self, format_attr(ip_version)) def _setattr(self, ip_version, value): return setattr(self, format_attr(ip_version), value) def _get_client_ip(self): # request.environ['REMOTE_ADDR'] if hasattr(self, 'request'): remote_addr = self.request.remote_addr self._set_ip(remote_addr) return remote_addr def _set_ip(self, address): ip, ip_version = validate(address) old_ip = self._get_ip(ip_version) if old_ip: msg = 'The attribute "{}" is already set and has the value "{}".' \ .format( format_attr(ip_version), old_ip, ) raise IpAddressesError(msg) self._setattr(ip_version, ip)